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How do you know when a bird is dying?

Birds are delicate creatures that require careful observation and care to support their health and well-being. Knowing the signs of a dying bird and understanding what to do in such a situation is crucial if you are a bird owner or enthusiast. In this blog post, our vets in Grayson discuss the signs of a bird at the end of their life. 

Is my bird dying?

Birds are sensitive and intelligent exotic creatures, but they are also creatures of habit. Although they may try to conceal any symptoms, you can identify telltale signs of illness by observing their daily activities, behavior, and general attitude. The most important thing is to trust your instincts. If you suspect something is wrong with your bird, it's best to consult your vet before the situation worsens.

What are the signs of a bird dying? 

While some birds can mimic human speech, they cannot communicate if they are unwell or in pain. Birds are skilled at concealing signs of sickness or injury to avoid attracting predators in the wild.

Watch for subtle cues to help you recognize if your bird is in physical distress. If you observe any of these common signs indicating that your bird is in pain or unwell, it's crucial to contact your veterinarian immediately:

  • A dying bird often exhibits extreme tiredness and weakness. It may sit at the bottom of the cage, be unable to perch, or have difficulty standing.
  • If a bird stops eating or drinking, it’s a serious sign that something is wrong. Weight loss and a noticeable decrease in body mass may also be observed.
  • Labored breathing, open-mouth breathing, or a tail-bobbing motion when breathing are critical signs of respiratory distress.
  • Abnormal droppings, such as diarrhea or a lack of droppings, can indicate severe health issues.
  • Birds often puff up their feathers when they are unwell to conserve body heat. This could indicate illness if your bird remains fluffed up for long periods.
  • A dying bird may become less responsive to its environment and human interaction. It may also exhibit a lack of coordination or balance.

What to do if a bird is dying?

Recognizing signs of illness and potential death in pet birds, regardless of the species, is crucial. Birds can deteriorate rapidly, so it's important to contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice any of these signs to potentially save your pet's life. If you suspect your bird is dying. Here's what you should do:

  • Ensure the bird is in a warm, quiet, and stress-free environment. You can use a heat lamp or heating pad to maintain a comfortable temperature.
  • Ensure the bird stays hydrated. If it is too weak to drink water on its own, offer water using a dropper.
  • Contact our vets in Grayson immediately. Professional advice and treatment are essential in such critical situations.
  • Keep handling to a minimum and avoid loud noises or sudden movements. A calm environment can help reduce the bird’s stress levels.

How can I help my sick bird?

Like all living creatures, even the longest-lived parrots will eventually succumb to illness and old age. During its remaining hours, your bird may feel scared and afraid.

If your vet has exhausted all options to save your bird's life but has determined that they will not be with you for much longer, there are several ways you can comfort your bird during its last few days or weeks. Here are some strategies you can try.

  • Separate your sick bird from other birds
  • Avoid anxiety and stress triggers
  • Keep the bird in a calm state
  • Ignore negative behaviors
  • Wrap the bird in a soft blanket
  • Maintain a comfortable room temperature
  • Allow additional out-of-cage time
  • Dim the lights in the room
  • Keep your bird occupied
  • Help your bird eat and drink

How to tell if a baby bird is dying?

If you encounter a baby bird in distress, examine it closely to determine if it is nestling (featherless or with sparse down) or a fledgling (covered in feathers and capable of hopping around), and look for visible signs of injury, such as wounds, bleeding, or broken limbs.

How to Save a Baby Bird From Dying

There are a few actions you can take to save a baby bird from dying.

Soon after encountering the bird, you'll follow these steps:

  • Provide warmth: Baby birds can quickly lose body heat. To create a warm environment, use a heating pad on the lowest setting, a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel, or a soft cloth. Avoid direct contact with the heat source to prevent burns.
  • Feed the bird:  Consult a wildlife rehabilitator or vet who cares for exotic pets to determine the correct diet for the baby bird. Common foods for baby birds include specialized formula, dog or cat food (moistened and mashed), or even small insects.
  • Keep the bird hydrated: Ensure the baby bird stays hydrated. Use a dropper to offer water, but be very careful to avoid drowning the bird.
  • Create a safe environment: Make a makeshift nest in a small box lined with soft tissues or cloth. Place the box in a quiet, safe, and dim area away from pets and loud noises to reduce the bird's anxiety. Keep the bird indoors and away from threats like other animals or harsh weather conditions. Handle the baby bird as little as possible to reduce stress. When handling is necessary, be gentle and calm. 
  • Seek professional help: For guidance and assistance, contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center or a veterinarian at All Creatures Veterinary Care. These professionals can provide the best care and increase the baby bird's chances of survival.

Knowing how to recognize the signs of a dying bird and understanding which steps to take to improve its comfort (and, potentially, its chances of survival)  can significantly improve the bird's outcome.

You can give your feathered friend the best chance at recovery by providing immediate care, maintaining a clean and safe environment, and seeking professional help from a veterinarian or wildlife professional.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Do you suspect your bird is sick or may even be dying? Contact our vets in Grayson to arrange emergency veterinary care.

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